Collection: Fleur de Lis Collection

In 2006 my life changed when I truly embraced manifestation and law of attraction.   Writing as prayer. I was doing a lot of journals writing from The Artists Way book by Julia Cameron.  I suggest everyone in their life get this book. Do the work. It’s not just for artists.  

At this time, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I got rejected into grad school.  College didn’t suggest business classes or any advice on how to make it as an artist.     I was clueless.  But I was determined.  But I was lost. The My space days were on the outs and Facebook wasn’t here yet.  It was a world, a little different than it is now.   

I carved on a little copper plate, and the tears fell on my writings.  Lost.  But I believed.  Faith.  Create a body of work… I barely could pay my rent, - a little place from a friend in Pennsylvania I met at the Renaissance fair. 

I was lost. Broke and just more lost.  

I started writing about creating a body of work that would reach the masses.   Create a body of work for every single Cajun, every American, every worker, musician… every celebration, create it for them.   I heard it. I wrote stream of consciousness day after day as I listened to what I look back on - almost like whispers.  I wrote about what I wanted and visualized what I wanted to happen.  

It all seemed to happen pretty fast.  That’s what faith is, to me.  That’s what connecting to the self and God is to me.  

I didn’t get lucky.  I believed.   

Sometimes we just have to believe in Gods timing, because sometimes what we wish for is right there. Right before us.  Believe. Be grateful for things before they ever happen. And believe it.  Feel it. Ask to be led and used in this life we’ve been given.   Ask to be shown what work we are supposed to be doing. No matter what. Coincidently, On the other side of the table was that little 5x7 engraving of a Fleur de Lis I was working on.  A little lost piece a woman never claimed as a commission.  

The rest is history, and -Well- In case anyone has been wondering what I’ve been doing for the last decade and a half - Here it is: Here is the entire collection of my Fleur de Lis-Worlds Within Series! Get ready for a massive sale in celebration of nearly a decade and a half of work!  Pure work!

I’m not sure how I did it. 🙏 I give God the glory.


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